Adjoint methods for obstacle problems and weakly coupled systems of PDE

by F. Cagnetti, D. Gomes, H. Tran
Refereed Journals Year: 2013


F. Cagnetti, D. Gomes, H. Tran, Adjoint methods for obstacle problems and weakly coupled systems of PDE, 

ESAIM COCV. Volume 19, issue 03, July 2013. DOI 10.1051/cocv/2012032.


The adjoint method, recently introduced by Evans, is used to study obstacle problems, weakly coupled systems, cell problems for weakly coupled systems of Hamilton − Jacobi equations, and weakly coupled systems of obstacle type. In particular, new results about the speed of convergence of some approximation procedures are derived.


DOI: 10.1051/cocv/2012032


Adjoint methods cell problems obstacle problems Hamilton-Jacobi equations weakly coupled systems weak KAM theory