Postdoctoral Fellow
Postdoctoral Fellow
Beck, J., Tempone, R., Nobile, F. and Tamellini, L., 2012. On the optimal polynomial approximation of stochastic PDEs by Galerkin and collocation methods. Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences, 22(09), p.1250023.
Beck, J., Nobile, F., Tamellini, L. and Tempone, R., 2014. A quasi-optimal sparse grids procedure for groundwater flows. In Spectral and High Order Methods for Partial Differential Equations-ICOSAHOM 2012 (pp. 1-16). Springer International Publishing.
Beck, J., Nobile, F., Tamellini, L. and Tempone, R., 2011, November. Implementation of optimal Galerkin and collocation approximations of PDEs with random coefficients. In ESAIM: Proceedings (Vol. 33, pp. 10-21). EDP Sciences.
Brown, S., Beck, J., Mahgerefteh, H. and Fraga, E.S., 2013. Global sensitivity analysis of the impact of impurities on CO 2 pipeline failure. Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 115, pp.43-54.